Dog Puppis sleeping between tire

How To Care For Our Community Animals

  • 18 October, 2022
  • Bhavna Nagrani

First, let us start thinking of the stray animals as part of our community and call them "community animals" rather than "stray animals." Community animals don’t ask a lot—all they need is shelter, food, medical care, and love.

At A+A Pets', community animals are the center of everything; we have chalked down simple pointers that will help you know how to care of our community animals.

  • Shelter/Clean place to stay

Every living being requires a certain amount of space and clean space to live in; this is their right and, as humans, we must provide our community animals with this basic necessity. Making just a shelter in our buildings, houses, and societies with clean surroundings is all we need to do - and do you know something Dogs and Cats strive for a clean place - have you ever seen a dog or cat pee or poop at the place where they sit or sleep often? - No! They love clean places as much as we do! Cardboard shelter in Summer, Polythene sheets in Monsoons, and old Bedsheet in Winters can be used to create living spaces for them.

  • Food/eating time

Rotis are not only a favorite and staple in our Indian homes, but most of our community animals survive on rotis! It's also their favorite! You don’t need fancy food to feed them roti, rice, veggies, curd, eggs, bones, and other leftovers from home is good enough for them.Just make sure to not feed them with sweet biscuits or oily food. Timing their food intake will help maintain discipline in them and a sense of trust towards you. Feed them from available steel bowls or newspapers. Be mindful of always cleaning the area where they are fed, most of the time you won’t need to, because they will lick the entire bowl clean :) Fresh water at all times is a must, and it's very easy to do so. Dogs and cats that live on the streets, or stray animals as they are called, normally scavenge for food in dustbins and dumpsters and hunt on the streets. A lot of human food is not safe for dogs and cats, and garbage consumption can lead to digestive problems and other health issues, so try and mantain a diciplined eating schedule for them.

  •  Vaccine

Vaccinations are a must to keep them healthy. There are many NGOs and municipal organizations that create free vaccination drives for community animals. Enroll your society/area animals in them and get it done for free. Make sure they are vaccinated with anti-rabies so they and the people around them are safe from rabies!

  • Deworming

Deworming is by far the easiest way to keep their intestines clean of any parasites and worms, and it is also the easiest way to feed them—simply crush the tablets and add them to their food, and voila! it is in their tummies! The right deworming medication and dosage should be checked with the local area veterinarian.

  •  Neutering

Getting your community's dogs and cats neutered is by far the easiest and most effective way of keeping illnesses and unnecessary population control. The community needs to be healthy rather than be unhealthy and overcrowded. Again, get in touch with the local NGOs or municipal/government organisations and get the dogs and cats neutered for free!

You must always keep a count of the community animals sent for spaying. Using basic collars for your community animals will help you know the numbers and differentiate them from the others. Remember, your community animals must be brought back to the same place they have lived their entire lives! Territorial beings are only humans! Nah! Dogs and cats are highly territorial!

  • Become aware and raise awareness

Not everyone is a social activist, but then again, we are not anything at all at birth! So don’t think when you are talking about the benefit of the community animals we become social activists-just like how we learn to become doctors, musicians, chefs, engineers, entrepreneurs, etc., the same way we must become aware and create awareness for our community animals too! Say this to people who comment on you being a so-called social activist, but in a nicer way :)

At A+A Pets’ we firmly believe no one is a social activist, we are just aware, and being aware is the greatest gift and a liberating feeling.

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